Each month President Coleen Wright or VP Lisa Dunn attends the city's HOA presidents' meeting. Today's meeting was in the new city council chambers in the temporary city hall building for the next 3 years.
2023-24 City Budget will be discussed at the 8/21 and 8/28 city council meetings. Those are your chances to give public input before the council votes on it. The proposed budget increases road, alley, sidewalk budget by nearly $3M - the biggest increase yet. The plan for targeted neighborhood zones where streets, alleys, and sidewalks will be repaired in this fiscal year will be announced in September. The proposed budget also includes raises and retention incentives for city employees. 22% of city employees have been with the city for less than one year! Retaining good employees is critical to city services. Also, council voted to increase senior tax exemption from $105K to $130K. 1/3 of taxpayers are senior citizens.
Tidbit: Operation Bloomtown is a program where HOAs or individuals can sponsor wildflower areas in medians for $100 for 1/10th of an acre of seeds.
Upcoming Events:
Light Up Lockwood is 6-10 pm on Sept. 16
Pre-National Night Out with RPD is at Huffhines 9-noon on Sept. 23
National Night Out is 6-8 PM on Tuesday, Oct. 6
Can Do Food Drive associated with NNO is Oct. 3
Cottonwood Art Festival is Oct 7-8.
RHS Homecoming Parade is Oct 13